Monday, May 18, 2015

A Sampling of the Poems we've written this year

Stopping By The Fire Place
By: Audrey Byrne

Stopping by the fire place
On a cold winter day
It is still cold
So she will get a blanket
It is still cold
So she snuggles with her husband
And the fire has come to an end
I’m warm now she said
I’m  warm now she said

Stopping by the Store
By: Makenzie Proctor

Stopping by the
Candy store
On a hot summer

Boxes of sweets
Waiting on the
Shelves, waiting
To be chosen
Waiting to be chosen

Stopping by Tracks on a Fall Day
By: Riley Barger

The tracks I see are not a deer
Sadly it’s gone and they’re not near
Rain washes the tracks until no more
It washes way like our dreams

I follow the path until I daze off
The wind blows like a cough
It washes away like our dreams
It washes away like our dreams

Shopping on Black Friday
By: Reagan Meador

I must hurry for it’s Black Friday
It is the cheapest holiday
So close to Thanksgiving
I must get there first to stay

So crowded, the shelves are bare
The customers don’t care
If others get nothing and they get something
Absolutely no one will share

I guess I’ll continue looking deep
For perfect sales that I’ll keep
When Black Friday’s over I’ll finally sleep
When Black Friday’s over Ill finally sleep

By:  Ally Taylor

Until I see
The part of me
I wonder where
I will be.

I know I’ll be fine
Between the lines
And there’s a time
And there’s a time

So Much Depends Upon
By Riley Barger

So much depends
A kid
With blonde hair
Blue eyes
Ripped t-shirt
And no shoes

So Much Depends Upon
By: Genesis Adesina

So much depends
The radio
Black or maybe green
Spitting out so much

So Much Depends Upon
By: Makenzie Proctor

So much depends
Poetry always
Being funny,
Creative and
Beside those

So Much Depends Upon
By: Ian Horner

So much depends upon
Out bunker
Covered in debris
And rain
In the middle
Of a storm

So Much Depends Upon
By: Shanna Walton

So much depends upon
A pen
You have to find
The perfect one
That just slides right in
Your hand

So Much Depends Upon
By: Kendall Swindell

So much depends
A pair of
Made with shiny
Resting on
My head

A Good Book
By: Reagan Meador

So much depends
A good
Getting me through
My day
Until I go
To sleep

So Much Depends Upon
By: Thomas Mazzeo

So much depends
A white
Full of
Sitting on
A farm

By: Bailey Inga

So much depends
A smile
It brightens up
A gloomy

So Much Depends Upon
By: Vega Shepherd

So much depends
A small
Where trolls
And the goats

This is Just to Say
By: Reagan Meador

This is just to say
I have lost
The pencil
You gave to me
To borrow

You probably
Needed it
For yourself

Forgive me
I wasn’t paying
And I lost it

This is Just to Say
By: Noah McComb

This is just to say
I have eaten all the poptarts
In the house
I even shared them with
The mouse
And which
You might say he’s a pest
And you
Were saving for breakfast
Forgive me
I ate them
I savored them like a gem

This is Just to Say
By: Shanna Walton

This is just to say
I have eaten
The cookie dough
That was on the
Pan about to go in the oven

Which you
Were probably saving
For the party

Forgive me
But they were delicious
I know
You would have done the same

This is Just to Say
The Win
By: Justin Thorpe

This is just to say
I have beaten
Your team
That was in
The playoffs

And which
You were probably
Would win

Forgive me
They had no defense
So bad
Such a big blow out

Books Books
By: Arika Horvath

Books books in the nook
I wish I was a book
With all your pages shining bright
I would read you day and night

Eggs Eggs
By: Hayden Jaramillo

Eggs eggs flying by
They will hit you in the eye
If you start to wonder why
You’ll get a slimy surprise

Chicken Chicken
By: Ian Horner

Chicken, Chicken, head up high
Don’t you know you should die
You should be in my oven
Man, this chicken, I’m a lovin’

Scary Scary
By: Gavin Cook

Scary, scary looking clown
From the car jumping out
What a scary laugh you hve
Scary scary looking clown

By: Gavin Cook

Cay laying on my lap
Purring when I scratch your back
Licking my hand
And hissing at the clowns
Going crazy because of the red light
Scratching at the walls

By: Michael Diaz

I thought I owned you
But you own me
I feed you
You don’t thank me
I’m the slave
You’re the king

By: Matthew Odom

My favorite dog Husky
She was a good girl
Even though she ran away
No one could replace her in that way
Her name is kira
It’s so sad you had to go

By: Dani Vance

Oh Abby
Laying there
You hear a sound,
And scatter.
You see a person,
Why are you so skiddish?
I love you!
Wish I could bring you home with me.

I Think
By: Justin Thorpe

I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a cleat
A cleat with metal spike’s the best
Able to go over a bird’s nest
Abel to trek through miles of hay
Waking for Detroit’s dismay
Poems are made by fools like me
But Nike has made tons of cleats

I Think
By: Makenzie Proctor

I think that I shall never see
A teacher as busy as a bee
She runs and runs and never stops
I think she doesn’t have many opps
I think she never leaves her post
She’s the one we love the most
Poems are made by fools like me
But poetry made Oqueli

Sensations of Football
By Justin Thorpe

As I walk on the field
And look at the crowd
Nachos and “dogs”
Are what they’re about

As I sit on the bench
And drink Gatorade
And think that winning
May not be our fate

As I walk off the field
With head towards the ground
We’ve lost the big game
And got nothing we found

The Sensations of Winter
By: Wyheb Tokhli

As I lay snuggled in my bed
And I look outside
I see the ice shining bright like a skate
The snow scruffs against the ice
These are the sensations of winter

I wake up
Get on my winter clothes
Skate on the ice
As my flaws go away
I skate away

By: Bailey Inga

A tiny raindrop
Falls in synch with the heartbeat
Of the small damp leaves

By: Reagan Meador

A single raindrop
It drops from the open sky
Hits the ground and pops

A green sapling
On the edge of the forest
Drinks the raindrop
And grows tall and strong
Swaying in the wind

By: Makenzie Proctor

Snowmen melt like ice
And the flowers grow quite nice
I wish for summer

Summer is a bee
It flies when the time is right
It heats up the earth
Just like the sun does for us
I wish summer would come here

I Am a Shadow
By: Ian Horner

I am a shadow!  Who are you?
Are you a shadow too?
Can’t you see? We are forgotten!
Sadly, this rule was forcibly begotten!

I am I
By: Michael Diaz

I am I.  Who are you?
Are you I too?
If you are I and I am I
Then who is us?

I am I and you are you
But you are also I
So we are us and us is we
We are the same you see

Love that Cat
By: Shannon Sullivan

Love that cat
Like a bee loves flowers
I said I love that cat
Love to watch him in the eveing
Lot to watch him
Chase them mice

He walk like a man
Smells like a dog
I said he walks like a man
Smells like a dog
He walks when he’s happy
When he’s sad he walks some more

Still I Fly
By: Riley Barger

You may break me down then act all innocent
With your friend to the end fake cries
You may be my nightmare in my every dream
But still, like tears, I’ll fly

Doe my friendly face make you mad
Why are you so determined to hurt me
Cause I don’t get upset
When you try to torture me

Just like every dream
You will always wake
No one should have a friend like you
And still I’ll fly

By: Noah McComb

There is a little girl who lives down my street
Who you should have been able to meet
She asked her mom to go and play
On that warm summer day
She shot herself
She shot sherself
Down near the pond
With her jewelry and hair a shade of blonde
There she played with a shovel and pale
She met a female robber, drunk on ale
She shot herself
She shot herself
With the woman being jealous
And the girl looking precious
The robber took her jewelry, beat her, and left
Since she caused such a theft
She shot herself
She shot herself
She couldn’t look at the jewel
For she knew she was a fool
When she was done being drunk
She sought out a monk
She told him the story
About how she felt no glory
She shot herself
She shot herself
Not even the monk could calm the soul down
For the child’s spirit was stuck in the town
She threw the jewels in the pond
Hoping she could move on
But she shot herself
She shot herself

By: Reagan Meador

I was sitting on the bleachers
Watching a home game
When several UFOs
Unexpectedly came
There were dozens everywhere
It was surely a sight
I didn’t know what to do
I was so shocked from the fright.

I tried to escape theem
Really I did
But I got abducted
I screamed “I’m just a kid!”
They told me that if I didn’t
Hand over my homework soon
They would study me
Then shoot me over the moon

So I handed it over
And then they let me go
I fell from the ship
On impact I broke my toe

So that is my story
Of horrible dismay
And I hope you understand
Why my homework isn’t here today.

A Journey
By: Hayden Jaramillo

There once was a boy
Who wanted to go to Yale
But the was quite dumb
And very frail
So he set out on a journey
From tiny waterfall
To giant oceans
To mountains that are quite tall

So the boy grabbed his gear
But the forgot his chalk
Before he went on his journey
He decided to walk
He walked all day
He walked all night
 He just kept walking
Till there was a fright

It as a Minotaur
With sharp pointy teeth
And a villainous smile
But his horns were I his sheath
So the boy shot it
Square in the eyes
Then there was a buzz
It was a bunch of flies

He screamed “Oh dear God!”
So he ran back home
Still screaming
Then at home there was a call on the phone
“You have failed me”
So he cried
Sad and alone
He died

Silly School Poem
By: Bailey Inga

The first day of school
Is always the worst
Everyone’s here and
We have to learn
Gee how I yearn
To go out and play
But we have to stay
Inside all day.
I hate all this math
That I don’t understand
And how our teacher
Made us hold hands
Boys are weird and are so cruel
Man I wish we didn’t have shool!

Silly School Poem
By: Johnny Pickles Miller

It brought my jar of to school
They said no that’s not cool
I said whynot
They said because they’ll probably rot
I said no they will not
They are in a jar
This teacher who does not like pickles
Is the meanest, nastiest, most cruel by far

Still I Sing
By: Kaitlyn LeGrande

You may judge my voice
That’s not my choice
You may laugh at me
But just let me be
Still I will sing

Do you think this hurts my feelings?
Do you not see what I’m seeing?
Creating a new melody?
Or a new harmony?
Still I will rise

Your words can hurt
But that won’t stop me
Still I will sing
Still I will sing
Still I will sing

So Much Depends Upon
By: Kayla Gibson

So Much depends
My black shoes
Who walk me
To school

This is Just to Say
By: Shayne Nifong

Dear Mrs. Oqueli,
I have borrowed
Your pencil
For the
Class period

Please do
Not get
Angry for this
Is only temporary

Forgive me
For not being
Prepared and not
Telling you

Moonlight Moonlight
By: Emily Whalen

Moonlight, moonlight shines so bright
I have come prepared to fight
Is that a wolf I see out there
I don’t see him anywhere

My Love My Love
By: Erin Brown

My love, my love
You are so sweet
You make my heart stop dead in its beat
When I see you standing there
All I can do is stop and stare

Poem Poem
By: Brianna Smith

Poem, poem, on the page
In my notebook you will stay
It is hard to make you rhyme
It think it will take some time

I Think that I Should See
By: Savannah Drew

I think that I should never see
A person who doesn’t love me
My hateful vibe you see
My haters are my motavators
Why do they hate me
Poems are made by a fool called me
But you see, only author can write them better than me

I Think That I Shall Never See
BY: Avery Cobbs

I think that I shall never see
A pair of jeans that are so comfy
A pair so soft, so full of blue
A pair of jeans that talk to you
A pair of jeans that fit so well
A pair of jeans that have that new smell
Poems are made by fools like me
I think I shall never see a pair of jeans tha are so comfy

I Think That I Shall Never See
By: Emily Whalen

I think that I shall never see
A friend who could make me laugh with glee
A friend who likes my taste in cake
But doesn’t necessarily like to bake
A friend who could stand up to my moods
And like all of my favorite foods
Poems are made by fools like me
But only personality can make me laugh with glee

Sensations of Endless Thoughts
By: Erin Brown

I sit on my bed
Thoughts running through my head
How do I fix my state of mind?
The thoughts race and race
These are the sensations that I hate
There’s not really much debate
But more to contemplate
These things keep me wide awake
These are the sensations that I hate

By: Kayla Gibson

Tear drops kiss the Earth
Making the sun smile brightly
When all comes to end

By: Kayla Gibson

Earth will kiss your tears
The clouds will cry out loud
Making the earth wet
Plants help dry your sadness
Don’t let your sorrow show

I Think That I Shall Never See
By: Taylin Adams

I think that I shall never see
A day so bright as the sun I see
A smile so long that I can’t breathe
A room so colorful that I’m filled with glee
A tree so tall, I can see the sea
Poems are made by fools like me
But when I get writing, you’ll just see

 Love That Girl
By: Savannah Drew

Love that girl
Like a balloon in the sky
I said I love that girl
Like a balloon in the sky
Love to call her in the evening
Love to call her
“come on hon”

She dances like her mama
Grins like her daddy
I said she dances like her mama
And grins like her daddy
Smiles with joy when she’s happy
When she’s said she frowns

Her mama like to rock her back and forth
Like to call her baby
I said her mama like to rock her back and forth
And calls her baby

She won’t leave me I know now
I won’t leave her either

She’s got long paths to walk to her future
Before the rising sun
I said she’s got long paths to walk to her future
Before the rising sun
She’ll be a lone ranger

Until they come