Friday, March 28, 2014

Urban Legends

* We are studying Oral Traditions in class right now and students were asked to write their own Urban Legends.  Please be aware that some of these stories are graphic and scary, but very creative and well done.

Urban Legends
By: Colwyn meadows

July 4, 1918
In the mountains of North Carolina, there were strange reports of a creature.  They describe it to look like a bear/demon/bat.  Investigators went to find it and they never came back.  We have reason to believe that it found them, before they found it. . .

July 4, 2013
A group of students went to camp out in the North Carolina woods, when something terrible happened.  Two or three hours from the car the group found a nice camping spot and set up their tents.  Not knowing the history of the mountains, the decided to explore the area.  It is said that they found a cave, possibly the hiding place of the creature that haunts this place – all we know for sure is that they never came back.

Urban Legends
By: Albert Aguilar

There was once a little girl during slave times, whose mom rescued slaves passing through her settlement.  But, soon the slaves started to take over – there were so many of them – that when they finally took a stand, they murdered all the white people.  This little girl was special though.  Her name was Annabeth.  She was 10-years-old when her mother was killed.  She was all by herself, when the men tried to take her, so she cast a spell on them.  After Annabeth disappeared and was never seen again.

Now, anyone who commits a harsh sin has a spell cast upon them that causes their insides to fry and slowly leak out of big boils on their skin.  Then, they turn to ash.  It is said that this is the ghost of Annabeth getting revenge for her mother . . . and she isn’t always fair about what she calls a harsh sin.

Urban Legends
By: Elizabeth Watkins

There was once a little girl, named Stacy Morgan, who was murdered on the playground.  She swore to get revenge, but she didn’t know who did it, so to be sure she killed anyone who ever went to that playground.

A little girl, Mary, was on the swing set, when Stacy twisted the chain around her neck and suffocated her.  A little boy named John, heard a whisper and followed it, not realizing his head was now stuck in the monkey bars.  His skull was crushed and he died.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Interview Stories

After conducting interviews with people the students found interesting, they wrote the stories their subjects told.

Weird Stalker Girl
By: Alexa Hulburt

About five years ago, my teacher had a weird stalker student.  She wasn’t in his homeroom, but she would hide in his classroom so she could hang out with him.  This girl would stand behind him 24/7.  Every time he turned around, there she was!  One day the teacher got a new picture I.D., so re ripped up his old one and threw it away.  The stalker girls got the ripped up I.D. out of the trash.  A few months later, his birthday arrived and she had gotten him a card – inside was the old I.D. taped back together again.  She had that old picture of him for about three months.  To this day, he finds himself looking over his shoulder to make sure he isn’t being followed.

By: Sam Armstrong

Poochie got ran over.  A small sized mutt, just an ordinary dog.  Kim was walking home one day after going to her sister’s house.  She had her dog, Poochie, with her.  She and Poochie were crossing the raod and Poochie, poor girl, didn’t make it over.  It was one a ½ mile back and a pick-up-truck full of men ran the dog over.  My mom stood there.  These men had just run over an 11-year-old girl’s best friend right in front of her.  The cruel and unjust men laughed and didn’t even bother to stop.  Kim scraped the yellow mutt off the road and her eyes turned to clouds on rainy days, as she carried Poochie home.  They buried her near the woodline and planted flowers on her grave.  It was the worst thing that could have possibly happened in the beginning of her 5th grade year.

By: Allyson Vondran

Dakota, 6, maybe 7-years-old – pretty black hair swaying at her shoulders.  The sun was shining down, sending smiles at the group of people below. 
A girl was walking a husky named, Kona, on a leash.  She was black and white – two mix-matched eyes: one red, one blue.  She was a beautiful dog, large as any husky, but beautiful.
The neighbor’s dog, a blur and a mystery, jumped the fence and ran around Dakota, taunting Kona to come near.
The leash, a death trap, wound around and around her ankles until the neighbor’s devil dog ran down the driveway – Kona a close follower.

Dakota’s head smashed into the concrete of the driveway.  She was immediately rushed to the hospital.  She had almost died, but show it’s all a blurry memory and she is fine.