Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Poems of Address

By: Taylin Adams

Pretty line paper,
How do you deal with the pain,
How can you still even pay?

You skin is so smooth,
Even with tattoos,
Some with pen and even glue!

Mr. Clock
By: Emily Whalen

Mr. Clock why are you
Timing me
Are you in a hurry
Do you want to go home faster
You may not like your job
But at least you have a job (sort of a hobby)
You may not know this but you’re
Needed everywhere
Without you
We won’t be there
So thank you Mr. Clock

Hey Serpent
By:  Noah McComb

Hey serpent
You’re so slick and sly
You’re faster than that fly
You look like a kit in the sky

Hey serpent
Look at you, scaring those sailors
I bet you’re doing fearsome favors
Under the water you look so clean
You actually don’t look that mean

Hey serpent
With the big blue eyes
Those sailors are tellin’ some lies
They are scared, just like you feel
If only they knew you were just an eel

Mr. Bird
By: Shannon Sullivan

Excuse me Mr. Bird,
How do you fly?
Why do you squawk?
Is it because you don’t live on the block?

What is your favorite food?
Is it worms?
Is it bugs?
Or do you eat some Chinese food instead?

I have one last question
And my question is this . . .
Why don’t you have shoes
On your little cold feet?

Seahawk Flying High
By: Gavin Cook

Look you blue and grey
Soaring high above Seattle Washington
Scouting our your pray
And going to football games
Look at you and blue and grey

Dear Dad,
By: Shelbee Justice

You’re big and tough
But you have a heart
As pure as gold
Your smile shines bright
But your eyes are
Sad and cold
You’ll always protect me
Even when I don’t need it
I may meet a prince
But you’re always
My king

Opposite Poems

There’s Light in the Dark
By: Ian Horner

You must be sad
To then be happy

See the dark
And turn it to light

Take your pain
And make it power

Live a day
In an hour

To Sweet
By: Taylin Adams

Laying flat
But standing tall

You want to be strong
But you’re too weak

Life is sour
But you are sweet

By: Coelbren Chapter

The noblest name
In Allegory’s page,

The hand that traced
Inexorable rage,

A pleasing moralist
Whose page refined,

Displays the deepest
Knowledge of the mind.