Saturday, January 11, 2014

Show Vs. Tell

Students were asked to randomly pick a word out of a bucket and then as creatively and with as much detail as possible, describe the word without ever using it or any part of it.  We then guessed the words.

Show Vs. Tell
By: Sam Mitchell

I have an owner
She plays a sport
My best friends are socks
And I’m forced to run around
The court

What am I?

Show Vs. Tell
By: Dante Belandres

I can be heard from far away. My sounds are as beautiful as flowers in the sunset.  I can be played.  Sometimes I need to be tuned.  Sometimes my strings break to wrong tuning.  I’m loud and long.  I have many strings.  I’m happy to be any color and can play any song.
What am I?

Show Vs. Tell
By: Brendan Motley

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Time goes on and on every second, every hour.  I am the most valuable thing to know and have.  I change and have different looks.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
I get the time of day.  My sound is like a heart-beat.  As the time hits twelve, you know very well, I will always be there to let you know.
Tick Tock Tick Tock

Show Vs. Tell
By: Terry Harris

I am actually the thing known for first discovering gravity.  But, I’m just a thing, a thing that can’t talk or walk.  I’m just a delicious treat.  Oh wait . . . here comes someone!  I’ve got an idea!  I’m going to fall on this guy’s head  - Doink . . . Eureka! I just helped discover gravity.
What am I?

Show Vs. Tell
By: Sam Armstrong

I am the life of the beaches.
I can go very swiftly, or I can just float.
I’m taken over and under big, blue, splashes of water and I, myself, can be very colorful.
My master takes very good care of me.
What am I?  

Show Vs. Tell
By: Kenyan Fizer

I’m soft and comfy
Watch out don’t bump me
Cotton or cushiony
My arms sit silly
Relax - chillax
Come on lean back
My back is flat
My legs are the . . . 
Wait slow down
Splat, you’re on your stomache
Just bumming
Sleeping with your body
In my arms.

Show Vs. Tell
By: Tamera Lapore

A feat of thought and imagination 
Shining through the windowsill of eyes that see through it
Flip through life
All of it in a hard covering, protecting the creativity waiting to be made
Hiding from eyes unworthy
Silver skinned and lead centered
Lines heading to nowhere
Words unspoken, yet said

Show Vs. Tell
By: Angelo Diaz

It’s delicious and sweet
It sometimes grows on a tree
My sister likes to drink it and my family likes to eat it
It’s my favorite color
My mom likes to grow it

Show Vs. Tell
By: Hailey Kerlin

I am full of junk or joy
I am the passage way of news or blues
I may be slower to receive things than your phone or computer
But, it’s sweeter to find a happy package inside me

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