Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Preposition Poems: Directions to . . .

Into the Light
By: Taaliyah Ross

Underneath the tree
Where the fireflies swarm
Around and around
Spinning from right to left
She sings high and low
The lullaby that spins around in her mind
She jumps up
Flies down
Onto the cold and misty floor
She looks to her left
Sees smoke
Goes up into the sky
She looks to her right
Sees two birds all snuggled together
Up in a tree
In their nest
She turns back
Looking up
Into the light
She sings again
- Music on – world off

Directions to the Golden Donut
By: Rudy Paisley

Step left, then right
Then left, then right
Then restart the poem
Because it’s terrible!

To find the golden donut
You need to go to the
Burger King.
In the bathroom
Flush yourself down the toilet.
You’ll find a moose
With a briefcase –
Take it
Then go to the airport
Go on flight F127
From there
You must take over the plane.
Crash it into the office tower
Because the plane is filled with
Evil penguins
Trying to take over Norway.
Escape the explosion
And go to the Great Wall of China.
Another Moose will give you a box
In the box is another box
And another
And another
And another
Continue opening the boxes
Until you find
The Golden Donut!

Directions to my Soul:
By: Sophie McMillian

On your way to the store
Go into isle three and find
A staircase beneath
Your feet.  Eaten away
And in between, you’ll find
A cake not so clean
It has a boat in a lake
And a man just inside
Around the cave are
Mountains with trees
And skies with stars
If you pass them
By, your tongue starts
To feel dry because
All around you is the
World we are in and
Through my soul you
Just went . . .

Directions to the Bathroom:
By: Ashton Zeringue

Out the door
Past the building
Through the clouds
Over the rainbow
On the ground
Around the world
Into my head
Out of my head
Into a cave
This isn’t the way into the bathroom!
Said the man.
I thought you said the way down stairs.
The bathroom
Is around the corner

Directions to my Brain
By: Alberto Aguliar

To get to my brain you climb up
My leg
 Swim through my veins
Crawl under my skin
See inside my thoughts
Look into my eyes
But, don’t kill my vibe
Music flows through my ears
And out my mouth
You rip through my chest
And out my heart
Climb up my neck
And into my mouth
Maybe through my nose
You’ll soon find out
And that is how
You find your way
To my brain

Directions to My Smile
BY: Elizabeth Watkins

Come get into my plane, and we will fly by the things that make me smile.
As we go around the frown, we see a music note flying up and down.
We cross a path of horses running free, and look into the T.V.
As we go through and above a stack of books
We fly into the books and see a pencil moving up and down
We swing around and see my family gathered around
Go through the T.V. and come out.

Those are the things that make me smile.

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