Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What If . . . Science Fiction Stories

What If . . .
By: Sam Armstrong

Think about if we lived on burning liquids! Our bodies struggling to stand – right in the pit of that sun-set colored planet, we would rest our legs and feet. Look around.  Can you see it?  Only heads scooting their way across the surface.  Bodies just melting away.  Some cry and make a scene and scream.  Others sit with their hearts and souls dripping from them – just letting it take them in.  Open your eyes . . . let yourself cry . . . because your world exploded.

What If . . .
By: Nathan Gutierrez

War . . . it never ends, it’s never gone.  It was WWVI when they dropped the “megatons” around the world.  Everything changed after that; animals evolved from the radiation in the no-mans land, lakes and rivers were too radioactive, and food was scarce.  I was one of those few little survivors, bit it doesn’t even feel like surviving – always being scared of sleeping, the raiders traveling under the moonlight, creatures on the hunt, there’s  no good signs for the living.

What IF . . .
By: Casey Stophel

We all live under water, earth is a new place with very little land, just sea.  The rain just wouldn’t stop.  We all have adapted over time.  We have gills and scales and eve tails.  The only land left on earth is covered in volcanoes that were created after the many earth . . . I mean seaquakes, and they never stop erupting.  They spew new creatures into the water – some bad, some good, and the occasional stupid one.  We still have our human skin, although it is all pruney like a raisin.  Our colony is working on some buildings for us, but right now all we have is one large rock for our house – same as everybody else.  We eat fish for dinner and jelly fish jelly on toast for breakfast if we are lucky.  I hope that one day the water will fall and we can resume our place on this earth as humans, not creepy fishy things.  The only thing that’s keeping my head up is that I’m practically a mermaid.

What If . . .
By: Mira Duke

The sun had exploded, so far and so fast that we couldn’t stop it.  So very few escaped.  After the sun stopped expanding, it disappeared, taking the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy with it.  We now live among the stars, trying to survive.
The people of the Milky Way have split: those who were caught in the sun’s rays, but lived to never tell the tale are now the creatures with the sharp teeth, the blood-curdling screams that shriek for no reason, with torn and burnt flesh.  They think that if they take the others’ skin, they’ll be normal again.  They have tried many times and have failed, but they still try.
The rest of us who were not touched by the exploding sun, try to live in harmony and hide from the creatures of the wonderful combusting sun.

What If . . .
By: Stefin Ray

The world was split in two.  All the families were split up, they didn’t know what to do, but they figured one thing out – there was still cell service, so they called the other side.  During a conversation they had an idea . . . they would build a bridge.  Two people, one from each side, put on a space suit and set out to build the bridge that would connect one section of the world to the other.  They stayed out in space for 50 years straight trying to complete the project.  By the time they finished, the weirdest thing happened – one part of Earth died from age and the other half was taken over by another life form who took the humans as hostages as used them for slaves.  The two astronauts had to decide: did they want to live as slaves, or die of old age.  Once chose to become a slave and the other went to die.

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