Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Poems for Two Voices

How I Miss
Poem for 2 voices
Lailah Wilborn

Girl                                 Boy
I hat the
Cold floors,
I miss the feeling
Of warm socks
                                      Life in the
                                      Ghetto is as hard
                                      A rock
I love my parents
By the Nazis in
Germany Long
                                      I lost my brother,
He did not deserve
To go
                   How I

Poem for two Voices
Nathan Hussey and Riley Barger

German Boy                     Jewish Boy
We’re searching   
For the Jews
                                      I hope they don’t
                                      Find us
Still looking
Closing in
                                      Life was the same
                                      No food – no sleep
I opened the
Door and saw
                                      Closed my eyes and
                                      Heard a noise
We’ve got’em
We’ve got’em
                                      Oh God
                                      They found us
Ship ‘em away
In the mornin’
                                      Surrounded us –
                                      Not escape

                                      Woke up in a cage

Poem for 2 Voices
Matthew Odom and Wyheb Tokhli

Civilian                            Nazi
Stuck in Terezin             Controlling
                                      Innocent people
Starved to death           
                                      Separating men
                                      From women
Left with no
                                      Gathering and
More than likely
To get killed
                                      Treated horribly
Scared to death
                                      Hurting children

                   Gone Forever

Poem for 2 Voices
Cassandra Spencer and Janice Cochran

I woke up to the
Sun shining on my
                   This morning
                                      Was dreadful I
                                      Couldn’t sleep.

                   Last night

I smiled at
The beautiful
Stars in
                   The night sky

                                      Was far away
                                      And hopeless

Why Not
Poem for 2 voices
Kameron Morris and Delaney Campbell

Stuck in the
Dark work with
No hope
                                      I will flutter
                                      Through your
Feels like I’m
Locked up in hell
                                      And I’m your
Tortured everyday
My life is painful
                                      Wish I could be
                                      There to help you
                   And then

Poem for 2 Voices
Emily Whalen

I am happy
We are winning
We’re finally
Ridding Germany
Of its problems
                                      I am sad

                                      We are dying
                                      They’re taking us
                                      And killing us off
                     I can’t
                     Believe it
All the soldiers
Are very popular
We’re getting
Tons of food
                                      We’re being
                                      Starved.  I haven’t
                                      Eaten in two days.
                     I can
                     Barely move
With all the
Crowds surrounding
Me all the thanks
I am gaining for being
A Nazi
                                      We’re shoved in
                                      Seven to a bunk
                                      All I have are
                                      My dreams
                     I can see
                     The guns
Lined them up
Cleaned and ready
To fire
                                      Pointed at my head
This is just the
                                      Yet this is my

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