Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Found Poems: Based on the article, "The Boys Who Fought Hitler" from Junior Scholastic

Found Poem:
By Clayton Kellum

It was a dark night
Germany was a war
Click-Click, as he pulls the trigger
Turning Jews into scapegoats
Speech after speech, calling them vermin
“Son it is best you forget”
He was only 12
We’re being lied to
So wall to wall
They pasted fliers
“Hitler is a lier”

Found Poem:
By Bruce Borden

“Son it is best you forget what you saw”
That was the law
If one of them was caught
He could be shot
He soon found out
He had no doubt
The game soon ended
It could not be mended
He was 17 years old
He was very bold
Freedom of speech did not exist
There would be no one to resist

Found Poem:
By Gabby Frantz

Safe in the bomb shelter they sit,
Their hearts beating louder than the click-click
Of boots on the street
That help the children beet,
Defend, and keep their country alive
To their relief most people didn’t die. 
They lived on through the pain, the war and grief. 
Now they see their target in the sky
Getting ready to fight with their guns lifted upright

Silly School Poems

Silly School Poem:
By Hannah Ballard

Well, it all started that day,
When our teacher went away.
We were yelling, howling, throwing things, and more
I even asked the substitute if I could go to the grocery store.
After that day, our teacher came back – but she was so mad.
I think we might have been a little TOO bad!

Silly School Poem:
Zach Weisend

My teacher come to school late
That’s her daily trait.
If she comes to school at all
She takes her time down the hall
As she walks, she limps like a bum
If you talk to her, she’ll just hum
She sits on her chair and sleeps in class
I really can’t wait for this day to pass

What If Poems: Inspired by Shel Silverstein

What If:
By Hanna Norton

First day at a new school,
Nervous, scared – I think of all
The what if stuff . . .
What if my hart gets messy
What if my clothes are out of date
What if I don’t stop growing
What if I don’t make friends
What if my chair makes a fart noise and I end up with an embarrassing nickname
What if I am too dumb
What if I have nasty breath
What if I throw up in class
What if I get in trouble in class
What if I flunk 7t grade
What if I forget to wear pans
I stop there, get up, and make a what if check list
And make sure none of these what ifs EVER
Happen to me

What If:
By Mathias Gibson

Hmmm . . . It’s strange
What we would be if so many
Things didn’t happen
What if I was never born?
What if I didn’t have money?
What if I didn’t like pie?
What if no one ever died?
What if – what if – all these what ifs
But it doesn’t matter
What matters is, what is

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Images: Write a story/poem based on a randomly selected image

Ruby Slippers
By: Kara Westmoreland

Yeah, I know my sister died by having a house fall on her by Dorothy, who took her shoes.  What they don't know is there are not just one pair of ruby slippers, but two.  The north and south got sparkly, cute, girly shoes because they are just perfect!  The east and the west, which is me, got the deadly, evil slippers that were our grandmother's hand-me-downs.  Since my sister of the east was so cruel and vicious, she would keep a pair to herself . . . A.K.A. the girly ones, and leave me with the hand-me-downs, and the north and south with nothing.  Not a very big shocker.  It's not a surprise she turned out like this.  Getting dropped on your head might just effect your outcome in life.  I'm actually glad she died.  Now I can throw these slippers in the dump and just steal the sparkly ones from Dorothy.  How hard could it be?!

Shopping for Love
By: Remington Froncek

Shopping for love
Reminds me of a dove
I forgot a toothbrush
It's for my crush
I spent all my time shopping
I even got you one extra topping
Because I'm giving you my heart
Instead of this pop-tart

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oral Traditions: The Stories our Families Tell

Oral Traditions: There are Trains in my Dreams
By: Zach Wiesend

My grandpa tells this story every time he is at my house . . . 

When he was little, he had a train set and he would throw, kick, and slam the cars everywhere.  He also liked to make them drive down the stairs in the house, where they would crash at the bottom.

One night, he had a dream.  He dreamed that he threw the train and it started to steam.  It got up and said, "don't ever throw  me again."  Then, it started rolling toward him.  When it got to him he woke up with the pillow on the floor (he thought it was the train) and the blankets everywhere.  

After the dream, he never threw the trains again.

Oral Traditions: Catch the Snake!
By: Tucker Herald

One day my brother and I were driving down to my dad's work to see him.  Along the road there was a really big python!  So, my brother said that we should somehow grab the snake and bring it down to my dad's.  Of course my brother made ME grab it!

So - we were driving down the road and I was holding this huge snake out the window of the truck as we went.  When we got to my dad's work, we decided to put the snake in a box, so his friends would not see it.  We took it to his office and because he was not there, we let it lose. . . 

Later, he walked in and saw the snake and panicked!  He accidentally hit his head on a lamp and passed out!  We were in big trouble, but it still makes us laugh today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Recipe For Life

A Recipe to be what you want . . . To be the best at EVERYTHING!
By: Thomas Reynolds

1/2 Cup of hard work
1/2 Cup of confidence
1/2 cup of thinking and using your smarts
1 Cup of speed
1 Cup of Stamina
1 Cup of Strength
10 Cups of Heart
4 Cups of determination
5 Cups of love
1 Cup of emotion
7 Cups of kindness
10 Cups of tears - so you don't cry along the way.
But, don't be upset if it's not perfection, 
it's an approximate recipe, 
because no one is perfect anyway