Monday, April 28, 2014

Book Spine Poetry

Students worked in groups to complete these poems and then created a final poem as a class.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Remarkable Adventure - Based on the poem by Jack Perlutzky

A Remarkable Adventure
By: Alexa Hurlburt

I was in my living room
About to head to bed
Until I got the feeling I was being followed
Ah, it was all in my head
So I laid down, and shut my eyes
Until I heard a noise across my room
My eyes opened suddenly, no sudden movements
This was it, this was my doom
I got up slowly, to see what it was
I grabbed my lamp, ready to fight
The noise getting louder
My mom then walked and turned on the light
I looked where the noise was coming from
It was my homework being torn up by me brother
I was ready to scream at him
But all I got was yelled at by my mother
And that’s why I don’t have my phone for a week

A Remarkable Adventure
By: Allyson Vondran

I was in the park
Our puppy by my side
The trees began to change
With teeth that opened wide
They creaked and croaked
As they slowly stood
Time slowed but they were quick
They groaned about a wooden hood
Then a lady made a steel
Smiled big and bright
Her metal teeth flashing in the night
“Come child I’ll show you wrong and right”
Our puppy barked and howled
Then we ran
The lady followed us
I whacked her with a  pan
The trees were quick
They swallowed the puppy whole
They scared me down an alley
Where they grew two giant moles
Then they became trees once more
So mother that’s why puppy’s gone
I tried to save him
But my mind was in a smog

A Remarkable Adventure
By: Zack Smith

One day I was on a bench
Having juice and applesauce
When a man said to me
“I am now your boss”
He tome away
Put inside a place
Where it was do what you’re told
Or get a smack to the face
It really scared me
Thinking I’ll never see light
I wanted to give up now but then
Someone started a fight
I got an idea
So I snuck out and got away
I check the date and I was there all night

That’s why I don’t have my homework today

Monday, April 21, 2014

Poems for Two Voices

A Poem for Two Voices
By: Isaak Mongubat and Serinity Buchanan

On the walk are
Written words I shouldn’t

                                                            Around the beautiful
                                                            Flowers that contain a
                                                            Sweet scent
Not too safe to
Live in
                                                            Sights I’ve never
                                                            Seen before
                                    But it’s alright
                                    Because it’s my home

He’s Gone
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Sydnie Yager and Jessie Seeley

All the memories
                                    Without him
                                                            Remembering some
                                                            Of him
                                    Missing him
At my birthday
Always gone
                                    When he’s     
                                    Coming home
                                                            Two months
                                                            On my own
                                    I love you
                                    Come home

A Poem for Two Voices
By: Trevelle Jones and Isaiah Saunders

I love the light
                                                I wish it would disappear
I’m glad it’s here
                                                I would die if I came near
It fills me with delight
                                                And gives me fright
I’d rather be in the sun
                                                And I prefer the night
I’m going to try with
All my might to get you
To love

Pigs and Elephants
A Poems for Two Voices
By: Dante Belandres and David Rice

I hate pigs
                                                            I hate elephants
                                    I hate you
Pigs are pink 
                                                            Elephants are blue
                                    I hate colors
                                    So do you?
You’re little
                                                            You’re fat
                                                            Hey what?!
You’re muddy
                                                            You’re wrinkly
                                    I hate mud
                                    And skin
You do?
You want to be friends?

Bird and Worm
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Jay  Miller

Flying high in the air
Looking for prey
                                                            Hiding underground . . .
                                                            Checking to see if the
                                                            Cost is clear
                             What’s that?
I think I see
My dinner
                                                            I think death is
I’m going for the kill
                                                            Gotta crawl back
                                                            Into my hole
I’m gonna make it    
                                                            I can’t make it
Going in for it
That was tasty
                                                            I knew I
                                                            Couldn’t make it

What I Like About You
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Rudy Paisley

                                   What I think
The most                                                        the easiest to
Amazing face                                                            steel from
                                    What I’d do
                                    For you
I’d jump in                                                     I’d do anything
Front of a car                                               to steel
For you                                                           your money
                                    What I’d
                                    Give you
I’d give you                                                    I’ve give you
A million dollars                                            two
                                    I’d love you
Ever                                                                1 year
                                    I’d do anything
                                    To keep you

With me                                                         Tricked


The Sensations of Winter
By: Cameron England

I sit by the fire
And stare out the window
I watch the snow fall from the sky
The snow stops for once
I stare at the sky hoping for more
These are the sensations of winter
I adore

Hoping for more I step outside
Waiting and waiting only to find

I sit on the steps watching
The kids play in the snow
I lay down knowing that’s
The last site I will see
These are the sensations of winter

I adore

The Boys Who Fought the Nazis: Found Poems

The Boys Who Fought the Nazis
Found Poem
By: Dante Belandres

Bombs blowing
Children crying
Fear of dying
July 1914
World War II
Jews Killed
Millions were thrilled
Broken glass
More like let’s
All die
No capture
53 million lives
Were taken
Beaten by the
Time WWII was done

Germans Vs. Nazis
Found Poem
By: Albert Aguilar

Dark and terrifying
Hamburg Germany
British bombers looking to destroy
Dark and terrifying
Fear of bombs
Heart pounded
Swallowed vomit
Dark and terrifying
Hitler prejudice against
Outlandish beliefs
Dark and terrifying
Hitler destroying Germany
Nazi Germany
Change the course of life
Dark and terrifying

The Nazis
Found Poem
By: Casey Stophel

Fear of bombs
Nazi’s – - - Hitler
Power after difficulty
Jewish killed
Speech after speech
Can’t forget
The games end
Sentenced to death
Gestapo tortured
Now I must die even though I’ve committed no crime
Final days
After it all
50 million dead
Hitler gone

The Boys Who Fought the Nazis
Found Poem
By: Maiya Johnson

Destroyed homes

pounded into the heart
Of Germans as well as the people

Trained to be soldiers

Resisters were
Captured, beaten, killed
Or tortured

Three friends
The war

Helmuth, Karl, Rudi
The boys who fought
The Nazis

I Would Do It Again
Found Poem
By: Tamera Lepore

Now I must die
I have committed no crime
I would do it again
I am not a hero
I would do it again

They were to blame
They fanned the flame
They would be shut down
I would do it again

The games ended
Dark and terrifying
With targets to destroy
I would do it again

Yes, I would do it again

 A Nazi Rally
Found Poem
By: Rudy Paisley

Bombs a short wave
Do you know you’re being lied to
Racially pure
A Nazi rally
German Jews singled out
People, gypsies, gays
Click-clack of boots
A Nazi rally
Anti-Jewish people
Praise Hitler
A Nazi rally
Hitler embraced
A Nazi rally