Monday, April 21, 2014

Poems for Two Voices

A Poem for Two Voices
By: Isaak Mongubat and Serinity Buchanan

On the walk are
Written words I shouldn’t

                                                            Around the beautiful
                                                            Flowers that contain a
                                                            Sweet scent
Not too safe to
Live in
                                                            Sights I’ve never
                                                            Seen before
                                    But it’s alright
                                    Because it’s my home

He’s Gone
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Sydnie Yager and Jessie Seeley

All the memories
                                    Without him
                                                            Remembering some
                                                            Of him
                                    Missing him
At my birthday
Always gone
                                    When he’s     
                                    Coming home
                                                            Two months
                                                            On my own
                                    I love you
                                    Come home

A Poem for Two Voices
By: Trevelle Jones and Isaiah Saunders

I love the light
                                                I wish it would disappear
I’m glad it’s here
                                                I would die if I came near
It fills me with delight
                                                And gives me fright
I’d rather be in the sun
                                                And I prefer the night
I’m going to try with
All my might to get you
To love

Pigs and Elephants
A Poems for Two Voices
By: Dante Belandres and David Rice

I hate pigs
                                                            I hate elephants
                                    I hate you
Pigs are pink 
                                                            Elephants are blue
                                    I hate colors
                                    So do you?
You’re little
                                                            You’re fat
                                                            Hey what?!
You’re muddy
                                                            You’re wrinkly
                                    I hate mud
                                    And skin
You do?
You want to be friends?

Bird and Worm
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Jay  Miller

Flying high in the air
Looking for prey
                                                            Hiding underground . . .
                                                            Checking to see if the
                                                            Cost is clear
                             What’s that?
I think I see
My dinner
                                                            I think death is
I’m going for the kill
                                                            Gotta crawl back
                                                            Into my hole
I’m gonna make it    
                                                            I can’t make it
Going in for it
That was tasty
                                                            I knew I
                                                            Couldn’t make it

What I Like About You
A Poem for Two Voices
By: Rudy Paisley

                                   What I think
The most                                                        the easiest to
Amazing face                                                            steel from
                                    What I’d do
                                    For you
I’d jump in                                                     I’d do anything
Front of a car                                               to steel
For you                                                           your money
                                    What I’d
                                    Give you
I’d give you                                                    I’ve give you
A million dollars                                            two
                                    I’d love you
Ever                                                                1 year
                                    I’d do anything
                                    To keep you

With me                                                         Tricked

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