Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Found Poems based on a series of Holocaust Articles

At The Killing Center: 
By – Emma Sparks

After deportation trains arrived
The guards ordered the deportees in a line

Men separated from women and children
Then to a Nazi physician

The SS officer pointed from left to right
Did not know that individuals were selected to live or die

Those who had been selected to die
Were told to rid themselves of lice

Guards threw Zyklon B pellets down the shaft
Also used to kill small insects and rats

Prisoners were forced to haul the corpse to a nearby room
Where hair, gold teeth, and fillings were removed

Bodies were burned in ovens in the crematoria’s blaze
Or buried in mass graves

The Night of Broken Glass: 
By – Jessica Burke

It appears to be unplanned,
Set off by the German’s anger.
30,000 were arrested for the “crime” of being Jewish
Dozens were killed.

Many Jews committed suicide,
Most families tried desperately to leave.
Nazi state imposes a fine of $100,000,000
On the Jewish community

Jews are systematically excluded from
All areas of public life in Germany.
November 10th it became known as the
Night of Broken Glass
Several dozen killed
Tens of thousands arrested
Sent to concentration camps

At the killing Center: 
By – Kara Westmoreland

I pointed to the right
Selecting who would live or die

Individuals were let to gas chambers
Killing centers

Carbon Monoxide was piped into chambers
Zyklon B pellets were thrown
Killing Centers

Bodies burned in ovens
Buried in mass graves
Killing centers

Millions of Jew are killed
Killing prisoners “unfit” for work
Killing centers

By – Aidan Sullivan

By Krakow Poland, it was made
Auschwitz – Burkenau.
With a sign that read Herbeit Mach Freir
Which means “work sets one free”
The Nazis meant the opposite
In the death camp
Auschwitz –Berkenau
They wish they were dead
The hair shaved off their head
The Jews

By – Paige Schrom

The handicapped were unworthy of life
They were killed by getting euthanized
The doctors supervised the killings
The bodies of the victims were burned in large ovens
Despite the public protests
The Nazi leadership continued the program in secret throughout the war
200,000 handicapped people were murdered
The handicapped were unworthy of life

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