Monday, May 19, 2014

Rescue Me Poems

Rescue it
By-Elijah Weatherspoon
           Please rescue me
         From Tyler’s stomach
      Please I want to be free
      But not the nasty way
Because it takes day after day

For Tyler to go to the bathroom
         And just let me out
      Yes I’m his ham samich
          I’d just love to say

If I could go out the clean way

Rescue Me
 By Matthew Morgan

Come on clock hit 2:25
I want to go home I’m beginning  to thrive
I want my mom to pick me up, you see
So I can go home and drink Canadian tea.
My stomach hurts right now, you know
It feels like its about to blow!
Come on mom just rescue me,
You can drop me off I have a Key!!

Rescue Me
By: Cameron England

Help, Help, Please help me
I just want to be free behind bars
Isn’t the life for me 
please oh please free me

I didn’t mean to run I was scared
Scared of the gun behind the door
So I ran please oh please free

Rescue Me
By: Ta’aliyah Ross

I’m sitting here behind these fences
Seeing the world from others perspective,
Rescue me from my own misery my life
Is a small bit of land cut of from the world;
Rescue me from the people that hate me;
Rescue me so I don’t have to be scared
Of going in to those chambers and never coming out;
Being a slave all my life just because I was a JEW
Rescue me let me be free just like a butterfly
Rescue me.

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